Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs regarding Forex Cargo Inc. and its new delivery company — eShip.


Is Forex Cargo still operational?
In spite of what you may have heard, Forex Cargo, Inc. (FCI) is still very much in operation. Effective August 1, 2017, FCI started eShip – FCI’s own delivery management operations in the Philippines.

Previously using Forex Cargo, Philippines (FC Phil), FCI has now a much better setup for more secure and faster deliveries.

Is Forex Cargo Inc. (FCI) and Forex Cargo Philippines (FCPhil) one and the same?
FCI and FC Phil are separate entities. FCI is a US company who had an agreement with FC Phil to deliver its customers’ boxes. Due to various issues with FC Phil, FCI established its own delivery management operations in the Philippines effective August 1, 2017.

Now, FCI is poised to provide much better service to our customers via more secure and speedy deliveries.

Who will be delivering my boxes?
FCI and its delivery operations are ready to better serve you.
Will there be delays because of the changes?
While we have anticipated some short term transition delays during the first part of August, we are happy to inform you that we are now up to normal speed with our delivery teams. In the near future, we expect to be even faster than our previous vendor.
Who am I talking to now?
Because of the recent change, we are happy to inform you that you are directly communicating with FCI and its Philippine entity – eShip.
Will there be changes in the process or your services?
Yes, there are changes. Via our own delivery management company, these changes are:

Faster deliveries

Safer and more secure deliveries

Better trackability of your shipments

More shipping service options

Higher levels of customer care

What is happening to my shipments before August 1?
There’s no action required from you as our customer. You have made Forex Cargo Inc. your choice, and we will deliver as promised.
What happens to former FCPhil employees?
We hope that FC Phil is doing what is appropriate with their employees. Meanwhile, as we (at FCI) appreciate the people that provided us good service in the past, FCI is establishing a not-for-profit organization – Forex Foundation – to assist displaced ex-FC Phil employees. Soon, we will be announcing more information about this.

We are also reaching out to these employees and offer them job opportunities that are available with FCI and its own entities.

How do I reach you?

For your Balikbayan Boxes Services concern
Email us at:
Call us at: +1 (855) 77FOREX; +63 2 5317 8500

For your Packypack by Forex concern
Email us at:
Call us at: +1 (855) 77FOREX; +63 2 5317 8500

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